Student Policy

Session Cancelation and Reschedule Policy

You can cancel or change the time of your lesson by pressing ‘Cancel Session.’ You can then reschedule a new session using the scheduling tool.

Who is my peer?

You can chose a peer of your choice, by looking at the peer tab in the app. The native language and level of a potential peer will be visible in some circumstances.

How to report a problem?

If you have not found the session satisfactory, or you have experienced inappropriate behavior, please report the session and a member of the MyDialogue team will review your complaint.

What should I do if my peer does not attend the session?

Please wait 15 minutes for your peer to attend. If they do not, please contact your peer. Your peer should respond to you and you should both agree, if desired, on a new time for your session. If your peer does not respond to you within 72 hours, please contact MyDialogue via the ‘Feedback and Support’ button. Feel free to contact another peer.

What age do I have to be to use MyDialogue?

You must be at least 16 years old.

What software is necessary?

To use the mobile application, you must have access to an iOS or Android smartphone or a tablet.

Are my sessions recorded?


How do I schedule a session?

To schedule a session, please send a session schedule request to your peer. They can either accept or reject your request. If your peer rejects the session, they can suggest another time. You can either accept or reject that time. Please agree on a time where both of you are free. If a convenient time cannot be found, feel free to choose a different peer.

You will have the option to book your next session at the end of each session.

Behavior Policy

Respect the values and traditions of your peer. Please refrain from discussing or asking about:

  1. Personal life. E.G, marital status.
  2. Political affiliations.
  3. Religious identifications. E.G. , do not ask a tutor if he or she believes in God or identifies with a religious group.

Be Patient and Polite

  1. Do not insult or shout at your peer.
  2. Do not use rude or offensive language.
  3. Do not lose your temper.

If you have any problems, or do not know how to correctly deal with a situation, do not hesitate to contact MyDialogue.

How do I maximize my learning outcome?

  1. When participating in a session, complete all elements of the sessions, from the vocabulary learning to post session consolidation.
  2. Review the questions before the session to prepare.
  3. Use the vocabulary in the MyDialogue dictionary relating to a specific topic when discussing that topic with your peer.
  4. Set a regular schedule in order to build fluency.
  5. Don’t be shy and speak as much as possible during your sessions.
  6. Review new words learnt during a session after the session reuse them in your next sessions.

How long does each session last ?

45 minutes to an hour.

Session Policy

  1. Start at scheduled time. Please ensure that you are by your phone at the time of your scheduled call.
  2. Please wait for up 15 minutes for your peer to respond / to call you back.


You will be given one free session, of your choice. You do not need to provide MyDialogue with any payment information. After this free session, you will have to pay. Please look at our pricing page to see all the different packages available. 

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